The world of machines and information systems has shifted from basic clunky IBM computers with loud hard-drives, and clunky key pads to a more streamlined approach with Laptop computers and fast response cloud storage.
The miniaturization of electronics since the moon landing with the advent of the microprocessor has revolutionized the way we control devices. The small electronic control modules control all aspects of our lives from the microwave oven, to our cars full electronics systems that control who and what drives the vehicle.
It is difficult to give justice to how much the micro-computer or embedded systems effect everything we do. At Prototype Industries we understand that, and want those who have come up with great ideas to put them into practice. So we have access to electrical engineers that have the design and troubleshooting capabilities to make things work for your application.
The advent of the Arduino opened up a vast area for young upstarts to try their metal at developing simple solutions for problems that are not being solved.
The display for example that was developed by some college students shows the nature of what can be done with devices that are available. The display was first started as an idea that integrated into an existing timer system. Then a working prototype was developed. To clean up the package an outer shell was developed using 3d modeling. A 3d printed prototype was developed and then a silicone mold set was made to make repeatable outer shells.
The timer was then tested and put to the market to determine if there really was a market for it. After that a larger version was started, circuit boards developed, prototypes made and the cycle went for another loop. The timer though a college experiment, shows the power of electronic design and the integration of packaging.
If you are looking for a concept to be developed, we can help steer you in the right direction. Be sure to contact us for assistance.